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Treatment Tracking
Treatment Tracking

Tracking your medication and routines

Luke Stephens avatar
Written by Luke Stephens
Updated over a week ago

Treatments allow you to manage the treatments you are taking for your health. Checking off your treatments ensure that you won't miss an essential medication or routine. You can find your Treatments log in your Daily Journal on Folia.

How do I add a new treatment?

To add a new treatment, click on the + button next to the Treatments card.

Search from the suggested list or start typing to add a custom treatment and select the treatment type.

Under Additional Details, you can change the display name, include instructions, a refill date, and more.

If this is a recurring treatment, you might want to check out how to set up a Treatment Schedule to schedule treatments for future journal entries.

How can I track my treatments?

Once added, your treatments for the day (along with amount, dosage, and time) will appear under the Treatments card in your Daily Journal.

Tapping once will indicate treatment was completed. Tapping twice will indicate treatment was skipped.

You can track treatments individually as they show up in each box, or there is also a 'Mark all' button on top to track all your listed treatments at once (this is handy if you are tracking previous days!)

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