Removing Custom Tags
If you have a tag you've created that you either no longer need, is no longer relevant, or was just a typo that you want gone immediately, read below on how to remove custom tags.
To start, go into the tag group that the tag is in by pressing the +Add/Edit button underneath the tag group, that will open the Add/Edit Tags screen you see below.
From here, click on the green Edit button you see right below the search bar on the right-hand side.
That will leave any custom tags you've created within a tag group, with a remove button next to them. Press that red remove button and you will be able to remove that tag from the tag group.
Adding Existing Custom Tags to a Tag Group
If you have an existing custom tag you've created, but it's not in the tag group you want it in, you can easily add it to the desired tag group.
To do this, from the screen above, click on the green See Other Available Tags button you see.
That will open the Available Tags screen you see below, which displays any custom tags you've made that aren't in the tag group you were managing on the previous screen. You can then press the green plus button next to any tag you want to add to the tag group to add it!
Please note: The list of available tags is all the custom tags you've made across observations, treatments, and flares.
If you have any questions, please let us know!